Any Ideas!?!?!?!?!?
kevinbeatzeus Member Nov 23, 2009 #2 Nice Tank... I have a pair of Melanarus wrasse. They're very attractive and very cool fish. starry blenny?
Nice Tank... I have a pair of Melanarus wrasse. They're very attractive and very cool fish. starry blenny?
redsea Active Member Nov 24, 2009 #4 I like, black and white clownfish, what do you think by the way i love your tank
bmkj02 Member Nov 24, 2009 #5 Yellow Tang might be okay. I would add an anemone and throw a clown in there like a Maroon. Six Line Wrasse.
Yellow Tang might be okay. I would add an anemone and throw a clown in there like a Maroon. Six Line Wrasse.
V vinnyraptor Guest Nov 24, 2009 #6 if that pic is your tank then your already overmaxed. tangs need lots of room. i posted this earlier but some how its gone. if its not your tank then list your current stock list.
if that pic is your tank then your already overmaxed. tangs need lots of room. i posted this earlier but some how its gone. if its not your tank then list your current stock list.
fishkid13 Active Member Nov 24, 2009 #7 Is their a blue hippo in their too? If anything I would say a small fish. Lawnmower blennys have a lot of personalty in a small size.
Is their a blue hippo in their too? If anything I would say a small fish. Lawnmower blennys have a lot of personalty in a small size.
tomky182 New Member Nov 24, 2009 #8 4 chromis 1 bicolor blenny 1 cardinal 1 ryal dotty back 1 fire shrimp 2 cleaner shrimp 1 sand sifting star fsh
4 chromis 1 bicolor blenny 1 cardinal 1 ryal dotty back 1 fire shrimp 2 cleaner shrimp 1 sand sifting star fsh