What fish should I get next?


I have 2 percula clowns, 2 blue/yellow tail damsels, 1 scooter blenny, 1 cleaner shrimp, an emrald crab, many snails, and many hermits. We just got today a green clown goby.

We have a 75 gallon hexagon FOWLR tank, with lots of live rock and has been set up for about 4 months- so it is fairly new. We have been going slow at adding fish, like 1-2 every 3 weeks.
Any suggestions? :thinking: We were thinking maybe some kind of angel and some kind of butterfly?
I want to make sure everyone gets along, and I don't over crowd.
Thanks guys!!


I thought they were agressive, am I wrong? I hope so, because I really wanted a dragon wrasse or something cool like that


Dragon wrasses get BIG, and they don't stay all pretty like they are when they're juveniles. I wouldn't keep one in a 75 gallon, especially one that wasn't a standard rectangle shape. What about a coral beauty, flame, or eibli angel? Butterflies aren't very hardy -- they require well-established tanks with excellent water quality. There are some butterflies that seem to do better in home aquariums than others, so I would spend some time researching and allowing your tank to really mature before deciding on a butterfly. :)


ooooh! not trying to steal your thread, but do you have a pic of your green clown goby? i love those little guys!! :happyfish


Originally Posted by jenni620
ooooh! not trying to steal your thread, but do you have a pic of your green clown goby? i love those little guys!! :happyfish

I actually just got him a couple days ago, he doesn't want to come out of one of our pieces of live rock, so he's really hard to get one. He's tiny, and very cute!


Active Member
Bicolor angels are pretty awsome. You may want to look into one of those. Just make sure the water quality is good and it has plenty of algae to eat. (algae sheets would be great)
Hey Perk, where is Mass are you?