What fish should i get.


Alright I'll do my best. Parasites such as ICH are atleast remotely present in nearly every home aquarium system. Fish's immune systems prevent these parasites from causing problems. When a fish is a tank that is too small they get stressed like crazy. The stress causes their immune systems to hit the fan pretty quick in turn allowing parasites and other diseases to infest their bodies. The 6 foot rule of thumb is a good rule to follow. It gives the Tang a large enough of an environment to swim back and forth without too much obstruction. Hope that helps!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefboys
Alright I'll do my best. Parasites such as ICH are atleast remotely present in nearly every home aquarium system. Fish's immune systems prevent these parasites from causing problems. When a fish is a tank that is too small they get stressed like crazy. The stress causes their immune systems to hit the fan pretty quick in turn allowing parasites and other diseases to infest their bodies. The 6 foot rule of thumb is a good rule to follow. It gives the Tang a large enough of an environment to swim back and forth without too much obstruction. Hope that helps!

Alright, makes sense, and based on your profile, you seem to know what you're talking about. Thanks!


Originally Posted by Reefboys
Alright I'll do my best. Parasites such as ICH are atleast remotely present in nearly every home aquarium system. Fish's immune systems prevent these parasites from causing problems. When a fish is a tank that is too small they get stressed like crazy. The stress causes their immune systems to hit the fan pretty quick in turn allowing parasites and other diseases to infest their bodies. The 6 foot rule of thumb is a good rule to follow. It gives the Tang a large enough of an environment to swim back and forth without too much obstruction. Hope that helps!

Ok that explained some of what i was trying to understand about the 6ft rule, its not a fact just a rule of thumb as you put it. which i completely understand why you suggest 6ft of space. Which is partly why the fish i have are mostly hardy fish i.e. kole tang and purple tang. they both are medium size and have not showed stress and my naso that i got is smaller than most nasos you see ( at least from what ive seen). and hes been fine without any problems. My intention is not to kill fish as some people seem to think if someone has a tang in a small tank. i was under the influence that 92gal is plenty of room for tangs. but thank you reefboys for your explanation.


Active Member
just because you have success now doesn't mean you will once they become adults. not flaming you, maybe some more experienced people will chime in with some info.
in looking at sizes the naso can grow to over 16inches, both the kole and purple tang will grow over 8 inches. as juvis i believe you may be ok, but as adults they may not get along in a smaller tank.


well obviously if they get that large which i knew that when i bought them, that they could get that big but if they get too big i can take them out and start over with smaller fish again.


Ok, from what you've said so far it sounds like your tangs are doing fine. Thats great, but as I'm sure you know they will get too big for your tank over time. A 92 corner tank is a good sized tank but adult Tangs definately need atleast 6 feet. What I'm tryin to say is the second any of those fish show signs of stress do the right thing and find them a bigger home. I'm sure you will. Good luck!


alright i can do that my tank is not as great as many others that i see on here but i will put some up.


heres some more sorry about the glare forgot to turn off the flash....and i know i have bubbles im workin on fixin that.



ICH does not remotely or w/e live in every home aquarium. Ich is a parasite, yes, that has to be introduced into your system... in order for it to be in your system.... Wether it be from contaminated water.... cyst laying on live rock, coral... or a recently bought fish carrying the parasite which was introduced to your system..... ICH has to be introduced into your aquarium. It doesnt just magically appear in the water.
well thats what i believe.


Originally Posted by Sherms
as far as i have know and seen (i think) is that if they are in a smaller tank that sometimes that they will not grow. now from what i understand is that is only possible for some fish, others may grow just as normal. but then again i really dont know.
if this is the case then the fish have stunted growth= not healthy


I completely agree with you but nearly every tank (yes there are some exceptions) has or will have some introduction of ICH into their system. It can be so miniscule that you'll never notice it but its still there.


so if a fish has stunted growth it will not have a long life? is that what your tryin to say saltfish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sherms
so if a fish has stunted growth it will not have a long life? is that what your tryin to say saltfish?
yes! this is an insert from a resource website, not my words. On a Naso tang.
"They must be housed in a large tank as too small of an environment can stunt their growth and they can develop 'behavior problems'. A healthy unicornfish will be swimming the length of the tank during the day. If you see any sulking, hiding behavior, this is an indication of stress. If their reason for sulking is not resolved or they are stressed for too long they may not recover. They can handle a wide range of water parameters but will do best in an environment that provides vigorous water turbulence along with consistency, not only in water conditions and quality, but also in decor and fellow inhabitants."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sherms
well obviously if they get that large which i knew that when i bought them, that they could get that big but if they get too big i can take them out and start over with smaller fish again.

my only problem with this statement is....once you become attached to a fish you will not want to get rid of it when you may need to. Just be prepaired to upsize your tank if the need arises.
I read an interesting artical on tangs a few months back, the journalist stated that in all the years he had kept tangs his favorite was a naso tang, he said that it would follow him where ever he was, if he sat on one side of the tank the naso would be there watching him. waiting to be fed, then after feeding he would just sit there on the same end of the tank as he was, if he moved he would follow again. I don't know if all naso's have this incredible behavior, as i have not kept one, but i don't know if i could ever get rid of a fish that incredible.