What fish should i get.


Originally Posted by larryndana
my only problem with this statement is....once you become attached to a fish you will not want to get rid of it when you may need to. Just be prepaired to upsize your tank if the need arises.
I read an interesting artical on tangs a few months back, the journalist stated that in all the years he had kept tangs his favorite was a naso tang, he said that it would follow him where ever he was, if he sat on one side of the tank the naso would be there watching him. waiting to be fed, then after feeding he would just sit there on the same end of the tank as he was, if he moved he would follow again. I don't know if all naso's have this incredible behavior, as i have not kept one, but i don't know if i could ever get rid of a fish that incredible.
I understand what you mean by that and i know how that is. My Kole tang is the one i have had the longest and does that by going wherever i am by the tank and if i move he follows me. It is very awesome and thats what i love about him but if i know he has gotten too big and that if i keep him he will die i will get rid of him, or whatever fish is too big. But then what are the chances that as soon as i take him to the fish store someone with the same size tank or even smaller buys him and puts him in their tank i would of been better off leavin him in my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sherms
I understand what you mean by that and i know how that is. My Kole tang is the one i have had the longest and does that by going wherever i am by the tank and if i move he follows me. It is very awesome and thats what i love about him but if i know he has gotten too big and that if i keep him he will die i will get rid of him, or whatever fish is too big. But then what are the chances that as soon as i take him to the fish store someone with the same size tank or even smaller buys him and puts him in their tank i would of been better off leavin him in my tank.
yeah, i understand. alot of fish die because of bad husbandry. i hope you have good luck.