What fish tank should I buy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ddiaz386
LOL is ok, he was just giving an opinion, sorry for any trouble i may have caused, nissan i would definately pass by and see the tank for myself when i have a chance, and yearofthenick thanks for the advice and your experience with the rsm, can we all be friends now

will wait lol


Active Member
Well nissan sorry to hear you didnt sell the tank I would buy it. However if you selling the LR let me know. Would love the tank to but with gas prices. Not worth it for me. ddiaz386 good luck you am sure you will be happy with what ever you get. YearOfTheNick very beutiful tank good job.


Well-Known Member
I'm just chiming in with another opinion....
If I was in the market for another tank, I would VERY seriously consider the 75 gallon over the RSM for a beginner. A larger tank = more water = more stability in the system in case any goof-ups happen! For the price you're looking at, the 75 is a great deal. Don't get me wrong, I like the biocube-style taks also, and YOTNick, yours looks amazing!! But that tang is gonna outgrow the tank soon enough, and the size of the tank might contribute to stressing him out. I'm not arguing; not the tang police. I'm just sayin' is all.
A 75 gallon is enough to keep a hippo tang for a good long while. You had questions about the used tank, and they were all valid. Plus, Ddiaz, you weren't sure how to use a sump. Well, seems like most of the questions were solved in the thread, but if you went over to look at the tank, I'm betting Nissan would show you how a sump is set up, and the operation of all the pieces-parts. Nick, I totally understand your fears of a used tank....the first one I had was a used 55, and although I didn't have the problems you did, I still resealed the silicone just in case. If you went with the 75, I would very seriously consider adding fresh silicone to the seams....but that's just a 10 dollar preventative!
Anyway, just my $0.02.....take it or leave it!


How do the lights on the RSM work? I heard that the moonlights and normal light turn on at the same time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ddiaz386
How do the lights on the RSM work? I heard that the moonlights and normal light turn on at the same time?
Nope, in fact they work opposite each other automatically.
There's a timer for the T5's and when they go off, the moonlights automatically go on, but they have their own on/off switch - again, the switch doesn't work when the day lights are on... unless you hard-wire modded them, the moonlights are never on at the same time.


Active Member
Wow . . . as I sit here trying to cycle my first sw tank (12 gallon) and shop around for and plan for my bigger one (Christmas present) I am starting to lean heavily towards an "all in one" system like the RSM. My ONLY hesitation is that I was hoping to go bigger on my tank, like 55-75 gallons. Does Red Sea or anyone make a comparable unit but bigger?


Active Member
I think the RSM is the biggest all-in-one you can get, although if you wanted to get a larger tank, it is possible to purchase a sump that has all the components built into it, though it does get a bit more pricy.


Active Member
Wouldn't that be a dream for a newbie? a 55-gallon all-in-one?? Granted, we probably will LEARN more about the intricacies of workings of a salt water environment doing it from scratch and "buidling" our own system but we'll also probably make a lot of costly mistakes along the way, too.
In either case, I'm hooked. It's going to happen. No sense in trying to fight it.

tang master

Oh man. Trust me tangs suck.iko. They look cool and all but they dont get along great when you mix them. 2 yellow tangs= fine; but 1 yellow tang+ any other tang= BAD!!. I spent $80 on a blue hippo and my purple tang killed him! Nissans tank sound relly good though, considering you can keep 3 of the same breed tangs in there!

tang master

But, You can get a rsm and then be a part of the nano forums! Look at Spideys tank, https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/335147/spideys-red-sea-max


Active Member
Originally Posted by ddiaz386
i wish the rsm had a bigger tank

Yoohoooo . . . . they do! RSM is introducing their Red Sea Max in probably November of this year: 65 gallon all in one unit! Guesstimated price, including stand, is about $1,500. Go to their website and check it out.
Dreams really DO come true.
