What fish to add?


I have a 4x18x18 at 90gal with the following fish. I have upgraded skimmer and the nitrates have gone down, the skimmer we had was pretty crap. We also added sand instead of just having crushed coral. I am also looking to get some more live rock (currently have 40kg), not huge amounts but just a little more to fill in a couple of gaps.
In Feb/March I am 95% sure I will be upgrading to possibly a 5x2x2 (i think that was the size I saw over the weekend), but its a 150gal tank anyway.
What other fish can I add that wont nip at corals or eat shrimp/snails etc? I wont be adding them until probably after christmas, closer to the time of upgrading, but am just trying to figure out what options I have. What would be the limit for my current tank and also the new tank?
Currently I have:
Foxface (3 1/2 inch)
Coral Beauty (2 1/2 inch)
Occelaris Clown (1 1/2 inch)
Fuzzy Dwarf Lion (3 - 3 1/2 inch)
Arrow Goby
2 Damsels
Rock Boring Urchin
Tigertail Cucumber
Coral Banded Shrimp
2 Snails - not sure what type


Someone who knows better will chime in for sure later but.... Lionfish can become fond of certain corals and sit on them preventing them from opening. My fuzzy would also deffinitely eat some damsel's and gobie's. I could be wrong just IMO.


He doesnt bother anything at the moment, im not after a full on reef, just a few more corals than i have now to make it look less empty. He has never sat on the few corals we have and has been in the tank for 6mths +.
If this changes as he grows (hes over halfway there) then we will re-look at things