what fish to buy


New Member
I have another question for you, the fish experts. What fish should i buy now, since I've given up my damsels and pseudochromis? This group got too aggressive, so I want more docile fish. I have turbo snails, hermit crabs, and one cleaner shrimp. i was thinking of buying 2 clown percula clowns, 1 clown goby or neon goby, a royal gramma, a blennie, and a yellow tang....could you give me the scoop on tangs....are they difficult to care for and aggressive? i've read they are both. thanks


we would need to know the size of your tank as well...it will depend...yellows seem to be one of the most kept & available & hardy of the Tangs...but tangs can become territorial or sometimes agressive...they do like to graze a lot & their available diet should reflect that...clown fish ARE damsels!!! so may exibit the same characteristics as your other damsel fish, maybe even more so depending on species


New Member
I'm not sure if I'm suppose to reply to your ? regarding my tank size here,.....or do I start a new thread? any way, my tank is 55 gallon. So,...what docile /inexpensive fish do I buy?


Active Member
jakob4001 needed your tank size because tangs can not be in small tanks and must be in a tank with a lot of live rock and as mentioned clownfish is a species of damsel, clowns can be aggressive also.