What fish to finish my tank?


I want to get one more fish to finish my tank off. My husband wants to try another butterfly. (cause we had problems when my tank was a little new) But butterflys have left a bad taste in my mouth.
SO, on that note, what are the more hardy butterflys,
AND, if not a butterfly, what else would you put in my tank?
Here are my current fish:
Russell's Lion
Yellow tang (it sucks cause I really want a scopas)
Striped damsel
Blue-finned damsel
Panther grouper
A very docile Humu trigger
I REALLY want a scopas tang, and I like the sailfins, would it be possible to have the two of those with my yellow if I change the tank environment and added the two new tangs at the same time?
I also kinda like the Niger Trigger, would it get along with my Humu?


What about a dragon wrasse? Everyone out there that has had one, tell me about it. I always see them and theya re so COOL looking. What do they eat, how are they with fish of my type, how hardy are they, etc.


Active Member
Yah try a dragon wrasse, As long as you have a sand bed thats like 2-4inches deep, it will sleep in the sand. I believe they are aggressive.


New Member
I have had success mixing tangs but always of different genuses. I have mixed other fish of the same specie with success but always adding them at the same time. Size of tank is important. My brother has had success mixing triggers, one of which was a Niger. He currently has 4 tangs: valmingi, hippo, orange shoulder and purple in a 125 gal tank.


So a scopas and a yellow may be fine together? I was thinking of keeping the yellow seperated for a couple hours so the scopas can get his bearings and then introduce them. Would this work?
Would a Dragon wrasse nip at anyone?


New Member
This is how I do it. Not promising success. The new tang to be introduced would be a little larger than the tang I have if he were a more docile or less territorial specie and vice a versa. I don't know much about Scopas so I can't make a recommendation on this. Add the new fish in the evening if possible with lights out and leave them out. Expect henpecking and don't over react but if real sustained domination takes place I would seperate with eggcrate divider or small holding tank you can hang in your main tank. You can expect the dominate fish to bow-up at the new entry for the first two or three days. This is common. Alot of this depends on the size tank you have. Larger the tank better the compatibility. My opinion only.


I thinik you have enough. It is a 55 gallon right ? Panthers grow huge .. and fast


As I said a ton of times, I know about the Panther, and I plan to go bigger within a year. The panther is still quite small, so by the time he gets too big, he'll have a bigger tank.