What fish to get


New Member
Hi! I have a 75 gallon reef set up w/ a sump now for about 2.5 years. I currently have a lionfish, 2 clowns and an engineer goby. I have a some mushrooms, a leather, anthela and a torch coral. I also have an anenome. My friend (who sells saltwater fish/coral) has given me some bad advice in the past. I don't want to be set up for failure. I wanted to get some new fish and he recommended the following:
longnose butterfly
2 blue throat triggers
queen angel
I want easy to care for stuff in the tank. I read the description on saltwaterfish, and it said that they are difficult to care for, and that triggers are food agressive. Anyone have any opionions/thoughts? Can you give me any suggestions on what to add?
Thanks in advance.


I'm pretty sure that butterflies aren't reef safe-so I don't know if I'd add that. When I saw that you had a lionfish I thought of hte bluethroat trigger as well. I've been researching them and thinking about putting one in my mixed reef. They are supposed to be the most reef safe out of the few triggers that are considered reef safe. They may pick on snails and hermits. Bluethroats are also supposed to be the most docile of the pack. So maybe if you would want to try those that might be okay. As you know you're lionfish is the biggest thing to go around in your tank.


Active Member
You have not even close to the room to keep any I am afraid. Your tank is overstocked just with the 2 lions (unless dwarfs). A 75 g tank is completely inappropriate for the fish you have identified :(, and water quality is likely to become a long term issue at some point..I would very strongly discourage any of them. To be honest, for a reef, I would suggest not keeping the lionfish in there.