What fish will get along with clowns in a 75gl?


sinner's girl

I have a 75gl with no fish. I would like a pair of perc clowns, what would get along with the clowns? I'm looking for something hardy, easy to care for, and not too expensive, (I can't spend more than $30 on a fish). I'm open to all suggestions. I've looked around, but I see fish I like, but I don't know what will work with what I have. I really wanted a Lunar Wrasse, but I don't know if I can with cc.
75gl established (in current location since May 2004)
100lbs lr
2 ph
crush coral
sg 1.025
All levels have been ideal
Cleaner Clam
Anemone Crab
Arrow Crab
Emerald Crab
32 Hermit Crabs
Coral Banded Shrimp
Brittle Star
Chocolate Chip Star
4 Urchins, 2 Pencils, 1 Pincushion, and 1 Purple
Above added Aug. 2, 2005
Serpent Star - added sometime before Jan 2001

sinner's girl

Okay, I've gone back to look at fish, here's what I see that I like,
Purpleback Pseudochromis
Purple Pseudochromis(can't keep with other Basslets or Dottybacks)
Engineer Goby
Neon Goby
Sixline Wrasse
Bluehead Wrasse
Midas Blenny
What combo would be good with a pair of clowns?


New Member
Clarks clowns are said to be the most aggressive clowns i have 2 clarks myself i have found that they are tolerent to almost any fish as long as it doesnt try to host an anemone. I tried to put a tomato clown in (bad idea) the cc chased him constantly but i wanted another clown so i put a smaller cc (2 the same size usually dont get along in anything less then 75 gal) that worked out fine but the larger one was territorial at first. my suggestion is to put what you want in your tank and see what happens you can always take it out but everything you said should be fine.