What fish would you suggest?


Currently have a 2 year old 100 gallon fowlr tank with 80 lbs of live rock. I am trying to figure out what type of fish would be best to add next. I haven't had much luck with angle's, so that is out of the questions. The inhabitants of the tank now consist of:
2 clowns
1 foxface
30 scarlet hermits
3 emerald crabs
2 peppermint shrimp
20 astria snails
5 mexican turbos.
I am definitely going to be getting a hippo tang since I am an orthodontist and my tank is in my office (Nemo thing). Any other suggestions would be great!!!
Definately a Yellow Tang, they are so beautiful and with the fish you currently have it would be a nice addition.
Good Luck.


How delicate are long nose butterfly fish and what should they be fed? Would a copper butterfly be another option?