what fish?


i need to buy a new fish for my 210 gal reef
i already have
1. pair of gold stripe marrons
2.clown tang
3. powder blue tang
im looking for something with alot of color... but it has to be reef safe..


Active Member
Originally Posted by adio_54
ohh that sounds pretty cool...
how about a queen angel? or a annularis angel? my fav btw.


Originally Posted by adio_54
i need to buy a new fish for my 210 gal reef
i already have
1. pair of gold stripe marrons
2.clown tang
3. powder blue tang
im looking for something with alot of color... but it has to be reef safe..
Don't expect anything to be completely reef safe. I have seen "reef safe" animals that ended up not so safe. You can get animals that most commonly show reef safe traits... but there will always be uncertainty. Anything you get you should observe carefully for a couple weeks before you assume he won't damage anything.
Teens idea of anthias are a great idea, IMO. I have never seen one that was damaging since they are almost strickly planktonic feeders that tend to swim in open water above the coral reefs in deeper water. So, you know that its natural tendancies are not going to be damaging. Thats a great start. They are very colorful too. Some can be hard to keep, but if your keeping a clown tang then you most likely know what you are doing.
Dwarf angels are very iffy. Watch closely.
I like gobies and there are some very colorful ones out there. Their natural tendancies make them a good gamble in a reef tank also.


Active Member
Yellow tang,
Blue hippo tang,
Coral Beauty Angelfish,
I like the anthias idea,
pink tail trigger(reef safe trigger),
a reef safe wrasse,
and that is all I can think of right now.


Active Member
For 210g you can do a lot of fish. Though why are you doing a reef? Do you know how much corals and money it is going to take to fill it with corals? I'd go fowlr, and get a marbled cat or coral catshark, IMO. But it sounds cool.


Maybe a larger tang like the unicorn tang. Or the cardinals work great. A school of seven orange line cardinals would look very nice in a reef. Or a school of fairy wrasses. One male and a few females would be nice.