what food to feed?


Right now I have a 55 gallon FOWLR. I have 2 clowns, 1 royal gramma, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 serpant star, and 12 tiny hermit type crab/snails things. I am feeding them a diet of frozen mysis shrimp and spirulina 20 (fish food flakes) by Aquatrol.
I think my Royal Gramma may have ich. I was trying to clean out some of my reddish purple algea and ever since he has been acting weird. I thought he was dead but he will come out of the live rock only to feed minorly and then back he goes. I am going to try to get a good look at him today and see if I can see anything on him. He will dive and rub on the sand bottom also.
I was searching the diseases forum and I am wondering if I should be feeding with some garlic? If so what to buy or how to use it? :notsure:
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
I would begin using garlic and vitamins in the diet. Kent Marine makes a product called Garlic Extreme that works very well. Excellent vitamin supplements include Zoe, Selcon, and VitaChem.
Also, you need to vary the fish's diet much more. You should have another 4 or 5 items in their diet.


What other things diet wise do you recommend? :notsure: Sorry for all of the quesiotns but I am new to this hobby and want to make sure I am doing things right


Active Member
Well, you could always try krill, prawn, lobster, clam, freeze-dried seaweed, etc. Just put different seafoods in the diet.
There are formula foods out there that are very varied. Each type of formula has 6 or 7 different sea foods in them. I would highly recommend you to check these out. Formula 1 and 2 are fantastic products and offer a huge variety to your fish.