What food to you serve?


I have one yellowtail damsel, one flame angel and one true percula. I have only dry foods now. Formula one flake, HBH Super Soft pellets, Freeze dried Brine Shrimp, and Gel Tek. The Gel Tek is not favored; the pellets have to be crushed or the fish let them sink to the bottom ( although they do love it crushed). I've read ( I believe from Thomas 712 ?) that flake food is evil. And that brine shrimp lacks prper nutrients. I'm willing to try frozen food but that would be a treat as my job makes it necessary to use dry food in an automatic feeder. What foods do everyone out there use. Any recommendations or, the reverse, what to steer clear of? :happyfish

sinner's girl

I never fed dry foods...so I can't help sorry.
You don't have 5 min is the morning or evening to feed them? If you travel they can go a few days without food or you use dry food then.


i feed flake in the morn..than a mix of either shrimp,mussel,crab,garlic (processed) in the after noon..every 3 days phytophlex (sp?) and small peice of shrimp to flower anenome...


I happen to feed flake food all the time, Omega One, its the pellets that I don't use very much, because of phosphates and fillers.
Brine is almost worthless, unless its alive and young.


Regularly, I use the multipacks of frozen food which have 4 different mixes in them and feed 1/2 of one cube in the morning and 1/2 of one cube in the evening. For my starfish, I chop up squid or mussels or pieces of fish from what my husband I may be having for dinner. Usually I soak the food overnight in Zoe.
I do occasionally feed flake food, but also soak that before feeding it. The angel and wrasses love the flake stuff.
I have a friend who has a restaurant and he feeds his fish clams, shrimp and crab. They are fat fish!


Active Member
I feed my fish a mixture of frozen foods:
formula A and B
algae formula
angel formula
mysis shrimp
blood worms
freeze-dried Sea Veggies
All foods are dosed with Garlic Xtreme and one of either Zoe, Selcon, and VitaChem.