what for a 40g


New Member
I'm kind of a newb and have a question, what are some cool fish that i can put in a 40g breeder tank. i realize that i probably can't put much in it, at least not for very long but i want to do fowlr and will probably upgrade in a year or so but am wondering some ideas for a couple fish for the 40g in the meantime. thanks


if your tank is new and is finished cycling i would suggest clowns or damsels they seem to be easier to acclimate than most saltwater fish. imo


New Member
actually i haven't set it up yet, but am planning to start everything soon. so i have plenty of time to decide what i want i guess.


Active Member
You could keep most smaller species of fish. Probably some of the dwarf angels, I would say no to all large angels and butterflies, and fishes of related sizes. You coudl probably keep a few of the larger species of goby too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jimmies51
no i don't have it yet, i'm thinking about 30-40 lbs or so, maybe more, what do you think.
I would get at least 40 lbs., if not closer to 50. You will thank yourself in the end, trust me.


Active Member
A fuzzy dwarf would be fine if you don't put anything in that can fit in the fish's mouth, such as very small gobies.


heres a good list
2 clowns
dwarf lion
valentini puffer
six line wrasse
flame or potters pygmy angel i think the potters are difficult to keep but i may be thinking of some thing else :thinking:


New Member
thanks for all of your help guys, i really like all the fish in that last list. as long as i really stay on top of water quality, i would be able to go with that list??


Active Member
The puffer would be pushing the limits, if you ask me. I could see a fuzzy dwarf lion, flame angel, 2 occelaris clowns, and a sixline though.
Definitely stay away from the potters angel that was recommended.