What goes good with a humu-humu trigger?


Heyt there guys i have a 55 that ia am setting up and have read several places that i can put one in there. What else should i keep with it? Also should i make the tank a fowlr or a fo? Thanks Mad


if its a big one, add it last, triggers are territorial. I bought a huma huma and he wasnt in the tank and hit 3 of my fish in secs so i took him right out and sold it to a buddy of mine. He was very big though, at least 5 or 6 inches little ones might be different. good luck


i've succesfully kept a small humu humu with a yellow, powder blue, and blue hippo tang. All very sensitive fish. It was in a 220 gallon tank though....


Active Member
I've got a 3 inch humu humu in with a blue throat trrigger, a yellow tang, a hippo tang and a volitan lion. Everyone gets a long great.


I have a Niger Trigger, Stars & Stripes puffer, Humu Trigger, Volitan Lion, Bicolored angel, and a Lunar wrasse. They were introduced in that order but I picked the fish acording to the size of the fish I all ready had in my tank. They all get along very well have not seen any aggression to each other everyone has their established area no other fish are going to be added to my tank. Hope that gives you some ideas. :happyfish


my humu humu is pretty agressive for his size and he has eaten a lot of what has gone into my tank he just ate my black spiny urchin, but i find that although he fights a lot with my snoflake eel they work well together because the eel doesn't put up with the humu, he just steals what he's eating.


Wow :scared: thanks for all of the replies. About how much live rcok should i haev? just a little bit so that they have plenty of room to swim or does it matter?


I would put LR in there for him to nip on. They like to chew on it and spit it out. Also, A 55 is not that biga tank. So, I would really watch your stocking in that tank. A Huma can produce lots of waste... So Nitrates can become a problem over time. My system is 4 years old with 300 lbs of LR. I only have 7 fish in there and my Nitrates run about 40-60 ppm with weekly 30 gallon water changes. All my fish have grown up and are huge now. My Huma looks like a small football with an attitude. My SS puffer went from 3" to about 15". My Niger 2" to about 10", My Lunar Wrasse from about 3" to about 10". He's very aggressive and spastic I wouldn't suggest that fish to anyone unless they have a tank over 125 gallons. My clown trigger is now about 6" and both my tangs are about the size of a large hand. So what I'm getting at is choose very wisely. Or you will find yourself doing weekly water changes to keep down nitrates.


OK ya it was just going to have a couple of larger fish in it. What type of puffers are good? and then maybe an eel or something else. Too much? Maybe a lion instead of one of those? Let me know what you guys think! Thanks MAd


I like all puffers... Just depends on your wallet and how much you want to spend. My Stars & Stripes puffer is huge.


Could i do lion puffer eel? not sure what kinds but for the most part would that be ok? Also could maroons survive?


New Member
In a 55 you have limited stocking room! A large trigger produces alot of waste. And everybody who has kept a trigger, regardless of species, know that each trigger has a mind of its own! I've had cables chewed through, arms nipped, and numerous tankmates devoured keeping queens, clowns, and undulates! Humas are a bit, and I mean a BIT , more passive. Most, if not all, puffers get too large for a 55g.


I was in tulsa and they had 2 other triggers in with a huge humu and there was a hippo tang and a BIG yellow tank in the tank. As well as a big porq puffer all living together. The guy said the tank had been set up for a few yrs with those fish he said the key was to have the less aggresive fish in first and then the others put in. But that could still be a gamble fish are like people some get along and then you have the bullies......
who mooo who moo new ku new ku ahh poo ahh ha
If that helps in saying his name maui style....
And yes you can tell when you are scubu that some will come right up to you and others run..
What I liked was the softball sized yellow tangs...
Anyone that is into saltwater tanks will be in heaven when you swim in the largest tank in the world... molikini crater off of maui.... One that does not like to scuba can just snorkel and the view is breath taking..


ALot of people say a clown trigger and Humma Humma are great tank mates. I have both in my tank and they are great friends.