what goes good with a tomato clown ???


New Member
i have a 20 gallon hexagon tank with a couple pounds of live rock. i bought a juvenile tomato clown last week and was wondering what i can add to this tank? can i put like 2-3 blue chromies in with the clown? if not what else? i'm not a big fan of glennies or gobies. what do you suggest? all help is appreciated..ty :)

marine qa

Blue chromis are aggressive and would likely kill the clown. 2-3 Green Chromis would work, but that would be the absolute maximum for your tank, especially in a hex tank that will allow less fish than a normal 20 or 20 long. I have a large Tomato Clown and 3 green chromis in a 46, and I may only add one more small fish.
Further, you may not want to add anything more now unless you are sure your initial cycle was over and your tank has had time to mature.
Good luck and have fun.


New Member
everywhere that i have read, it says the blue chromis is a peaceful fish. i have put 1 in with my tomato clown and they dont even look at each other let alone bother each other. my tank has been up and running for1.5 years. i had 2 perc clowns in that time period but 1 became sick and died so i gave the other away so my tank is well established.

marine qa

You know what, I was confusing blue chromis with damsels. I have rarely seen blue chromis, but I do believe they are peaceful.


New Member
[QUOTEI In my tank I have found that damsles do really well with my two Clown Fish. They are both semi-aggresive and seem to make a good match.


blue chromis are not aggressive at all. marine qa, i would like to know where oyu heard that, there as peaceful as they come


New Member
he corrected himself. he was thinking of blue damsels.. so do you guys think i can put 1 more blue chromis in my tank or what? nobody is really saying if i can or not


Active Member
yep, the blue chromis, with the pair of percs, i would not go ove r2(maybe if youstretch it and use caution 3), but that is it


New Member
no, i dont have the percs anymore. i just have a small tomato clown and 1 blue chromi. just wanted to know if i could add 1 more blue chromi to bring my total to 3 fish total. dont want to overcrowd


New Member
so do you guys think i should just stick with my 2 fish or can i add another blue chromi? what about a green chromi? can a blue and green do well together?


Active Member
i would tink you could add one more possibly even 2 blue chromis , but taht would be it, i'd probably only get 1 myself