What goes good with porky?


I have a porky, yellow tang, striped damsil, yellow tail damsil in a 90 gal tank, my hubby says I need more rocks and fish:D :happy: but he says do it quick before he changes his mind, any suggestions would help me decide.


Active Member
There are several tank mates that would go good with the porc. I would look at eels, and wrasse's. Eventually though I think the puffer will outgrow the 90 gallon, and need a bigger tank. He whould be fine for a few years though.


do eels escape i read a post saying they do? I am scared to death of snakes and that is what they remind me of:eek: My porky is in qt right now with ick, Ive had him in for a while. it clears up and then comes back again,??? Anyway I hope soon he will be going back in main tank. He has grown alot in the month he has been in the 10 gal qt, makes me worried about how much more and fast he is growing, hes about 5 inches now, he was only 3 inches when i bought him 2 months ago.:nervous: Maybe I should try to give him to someone with a larger tank instead of putting him back in my main tank when he gets cured, What does everyone think?


Active Member
They do get big, like 11" or so, but they are not fast swimmers. I think he'll be fine in your 90 as long as you don't overcrowd the tank. Are you treating your QT with copper or hypo? It's strange that he's in there for 2 months and still not cured.
Yes, eels do escape. My snowflake escape twice already, I was able to find him both times before he turn into crispy noodle.
My suggestion for fish would be a dwarf angel, lemonpeel, flame, coral beauty, etc.


Active Member
Porks do grow pretty large. I saw one on a recent trip to the Florida Key's that I would guess was close to 2' long. I've never seen one in captivity over a 1' long. He should be fine in a 90 for at least a couple of years.. Mine have not grow that fast. Maybe an inch or two every year.
As far as your ich problem, how are you treating him? If you perform hypo properly than it should not be coming back. Most of the meds that are available from the pet stores does not work.
Eels do have a tendancy to find their way out of the tank. You can prevent this by making sure that all openings are properly sealed.
they will grow fast too. at the rate mine grew it will outgrow a 90 in a year or two. I saw one in some fish store in chicago that was about a foot and a half long. it was in a shark lagoon though.:D
stacey... where in the keys was your trip to? I dive off of Duck Key, about 20 miles from marathon quite abit and see some beastly porcs as well. I love the keys their great.


Active Member
midwest reefer,
I dove a few different site molasses, snappers ledge, and a few others I can't recall the name of. I love diving the Keys. The service that I received on the boat was outstanding, and the diving was awesome. I plan on going back in a couple of years. This summer I'm going to go back to Hawaii, but I think the diving in Fl was better. Tomorrow I'm off to Fiji for a week of diving. We'll see how it compares to Florida.
Fiji!!! thats awesome... Id love to go there sometime... I talked to you about your trip to hawaii awhile back. I went there also, and enjoy florida better too. What key did you dive off of? I highly reccomend Hawks Kay Resort, and in the resort is a place called Tildens Dive shop, they are great. I got my advanced done there and plan to get my rescue certification next time I go there. The service is absolutely great, and the diving is spectacular. The sites I enjoy most there are the stake, lost and found, RV thunderbolt(a wreck), lobster ledge, and we always night dive on porc fish<-- my all time favorite reef, especially for lobster diving!!


Active Member
The key that we dove off was Islamorada. We dove with Divers City. The price of diving was cheap, like $20 per dive. We did a night dive on Snappers Ledge, and about 8 other day dives. The service was unbeatable.


You will be very happy with the underwater life you view in Fiji. I saw the biggest Titan trigger i've ever seen snorkeling on a reef about 100 feet from the shoreline. Its just an amazing place.


I am doing hypo, I have a swing arm I was using, but bought a glass tester recently, I am keeping water at 1.009. I am not sure why ick keeps comming back, he seems fine now but well see what happens this comming week.