what happend to them


today i woke up and looked in my fish tank and saw that my bicolor blenny and peppermint shrimp were dead

i did notice that somthig was making the blenny hide and not eat mabey my yellowtail damsesl also i saw a biristle worm rub against the peppermint shrimp after i took them out of my tank i saw a big puff of sand come up between two rocks there werent any power heads that would have done it and all my fish were out could what made the puff of sand could that have killed the shrimp and fish and what made the puff


some questions we need to ask
What size tank?
How long set up?
What inhabitants are in the tank?
What are your water parameters?
When did you get the peppermint and blenny?


the tank is 29 gallons
its been running for about six months
i have 4 yellow tailed damsels 2 green chromisis 2 false percula clown fish
the shrimps ben in the tank 4 months the blenny 2 months


Your salinity is pretty high! 1.026-1.027 is about the tops that you want to go.
Has it always been like that? I could see that as being an issue with the peppermint but not sure that would kill the blenny although it's possible.


Active Member
that's more fish than i have in a 75 in less amount of time :( weird you don't show any ammonia, i'd think you would
most likely the damsels picked on your fish. the shrimp? no clue. unless the shrimp and fish were damaged, i wouldn't suspect any lurker in there on a killing spree.
definitely (and slowly) bring down your salt levels. how are you getting so high? also what are you using to read it with?


Originally Posted by SUDC
Your salinity is pretty high! 1.026-1.027 is about the tops that you want to go.
Has it always been like that? I could see that as being an issue with the peppermint but not sure that would kill the blenny although it's possible.
i now im about to do a water change to water change to lower the salin its not normaly that high


Like renogaw said, lower it SLOWLY.
A fast decline is actually worse than the high level. I would just do smallish water changes over the newt 1-2 weeks with like 1.025-7 water until it comes down
With that amount of fish, im surprised that you dont have high nitrates. You must not feed very much to keep them low


Originally Posted by SUDC
Like renogaw said, lower it SLOWLY.
A fast decline is actually worse than the high level. I would just do smallish water changes over the newt 1-2 weeks with like 1.025-7 water until it comes down
With that amount of fish, im surprised that you dont have high nitrates. You must not feed very much to keep them low
the shrimp would eat the left over


what is weird thow the shrimp and the fish were in the same spot and not were they liked to hang out


I just got my peppermint shrimp in the mail today. they were really tiny. my damsels have been picking at them all day. hopefully i'll see them again someday. have had my damsels for the last year, but they are bullies and will beat anything up that is smaller than them ( or atleast try).


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
where did you get your live rock. Check at night with a red light for a mantis

i got 20 pounds here and about 10 pounds at the pet store
if it was a mantis would it be making a kliking sound


Most likely it would make a clicking sound. It's possible you have ones but the odds aren't very good. I'd agree with one of the previous poster and put my money on the evil little damsels as the culprits.
The puff could have been any number of things. I've had the same thing happen in my tanks occasionaly when i put my hand in or whatever. Who knows what it was but like someone else said, i doubt you have a secret killer. It's possible so you can stake out your tank late at night with a red flashlight. You'll lose a night of sleep but it's kinda fun and everyone should do it once. You'd be amazed at what your tank does in the middle of the night while your sleeping!