What happened to my butterfly?


jackie dh

I bought a inch and a half Racoon butterfly at a LFS 7 days ago and it's been in my 35 gallon quarenteen tank. Last night I removed the other three fish that had been living with him and added them to the new 120. Today the 3 in the 120 are doing great, the Racoon how ever isn't. I found him swimming upside down, a couple hours later he laying on the bottom.
I decide that there may be some thing wrong in the tank, so I try doing a quick bucket aclimation to the 120, but so far he still looks bad.
there is no sign of any thing being wrong with the fish other than breathing hard and lieing on it's side. His color is even good. I haven't tested the water yet, but I will.
Looks like another $30 goes down the drain.

jackie dh

The fish was eating, thin though. The other three fish are a small heniochus butterfly, a flame angel and a 1" maroon clown. The tank had been up and running for close to three months. I would think that the PH would be close on both of them. They have the same water source, same kind of salt and the small tank had the high end fine grain sand and the big tank has southdown sand.
The PH test in my kit are to old to use, but I can test the amonia, nitrate and nitrite though.

jackie dh

I tested, and every thing looked good. The amonia was just a tiny bit up, but not enough to cause a problem. The LFS had the fish for two weeks before I got it and they fed it for me.
The fish was fine yesterday, it died in the bucket a few minutes ago. So Long cooney.... I've wanted a Racoon for 20 years and get to pay $30 to have one for a week....


New Member
I purchased a racoon butterfly about a month and a half ago, it did really well for about 2 weeks in my 120g, it ate, would swim around with the other fish, and my cleaner shrimp kept him clean, then I went into town and came home it was laying on th bottom dead. all my tests were good, since then I am a little gun shy on buying another one.