What happened? To my Cleaner and Crab

So I wake up and find my cleaner and green emarld crab both dead what happend to these guys. The the cleaner has been in there for over a year and the crab about 6 months. The night before everything was fine. Water test 2 days piror nothing out of the normal level what so ever. Very weird the maroon clown I have is swimming great.
Well I think I found the solution! ZEBRA HERMIT crabs that have been killing the snails! I found 5 dead snails half eaten and pulled out of the shells. I need to get rid of these hermits since they have been killing the snails. The blue legged hermits are fine. The ammonia on the re-test today went to 1.2 so dead snails= dead cleaner shrimp since I have done a water change and used some ammonia remover.