what happened to my snail?


Active Member
I got home yesterday to find 1 of my snails dead. Not just dead but looks like he got eaten. I only have 1 pepermint 1 skunk cleaner shrimp. 5 blueleg hermits and I had 5 astria snals now 4. My water is good It is a new set up just finished my cycle. I did notice my amonia was .2 last night after I found him. My blueleg hermits are very tiny compared to the snail so I dont think they wanted his shell. Could it be a shrimp or did he just die and the crabs did what they do clean up the mess


all of the above
life is short but both shrimp and hermits will find snails as an easy meal
I am running an Eheim Wet/Dry canister filter (2229) and I was wondering how often I should open it up and clean it? Is it just a matter of flow rate dropage or is there other factors? Also, my main question is, what about the media, does that get cleaned? If so, how does that happen because I figure cleaning it will take away all the good bacteria the filter uses to keep the system stable.
Thank you!