What happened to the aquarium forum?


Active Member
There were a lot of other topics about this. Who knows why they took it away. Maybe too many people just posting off topic stuff and not enough on the other forums?


Someone is doing a revamp of the site, they probably took that away for a little while to simplify life. The plus side of this is the improvements that they have made to the actually money making part of the site. Before it was a pain to look for stuff, cuz you had to page through all kinds of stuff to find what you were looking for. Look at it now!


Active Member
Sorry, I must have missed the threads. Ive been out of town for a few days and didn't have time to check in. Thing is it's still there it's just not listed.


Active Member
That's the way it allways does when they get rid of it. It was never really gone, they just remove our access links. And that's what they did this time aswell.
And Debi you know your suppose to check in when your out of town. So start checking in like a good little reefaholic, you know you want to, just do it. :p
The rest of us reefaholics can't hold up this BB without you.:D


Active Member
LOL Dan and thanks. I had to sign in on both my pc and the laptop when I got back just to satisfy my addiction:D