What happened to the History channel!!


Active Member
I have not watched any television for nearly a year but I am up late and the History channel is on and I say to myself....
"self? this is cool, learn about an ancient shipwreck, or other random oddball thing they are going on about. Its always good"
Then BAM its all cheapo CGI. its ALL CGI!!! what happened to the old B actors and film students that used to re-enact all the stories!!!!
I am outraged!! Just thought I would share.


LOL I am not sure how long you were away from civilization, but it hasn't changed too much. The history channel is still the history channel. Maybe you turned it on during a special? I don't know, it is the same though.


Active Member
Haha i hear you. It used to be bad acting, but now its like they bought Rome total war and just filmed the battle scenes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
History sucks. I'm taking an American History course this sememster and I dread it every week....boring!!

That's a shame, "those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it". "Learn from the past to help you in the future." There's a couple more fortune cookie quotes about history, I just can't think of them right now...


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Haha i hear you. It used to be bad acting, but now its like they bought Rome total war and just filmed the battle scenes.
Actually I believe that is exactly what they did. They bought the software engine from the makers, anyway.


Active Member
I'm loving the Battlefield 360 or whatever they call it.
Really drives the tactical aspect of war home.
And since we're dropping 'history' quotes:
History is written by the winners. ~Alex Haley


Active Member
i love the history channel... i have no problem with the CGI... what i have a problem with is that at 2am almost EVERY channel goes to "paid programing"... WTF i pay for satellite why do i have to watch a infomercial about colon cleanse???


I dont think its changed that much over the last year.
Except for the UFO hunters, and the other shows like it.
But then again on the weekends they would always show UFO shows.
I still love the History Channel.
And in the fifth grade I won the Social Studies award. I'm cool like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
I'm loving the Battlefield 360 or whatever they call it.
Really drives the tactical aspect of war home.
And since we're dropping 'history' quotes:
History is written by the winners.
~Alex Haley
I really like this show. They really disect everything from both sides.
Plus we see stuff blow up



Why not use the CGI, It shows history from a different angle, and it gets through to the younger people out there which drives up ratings.
Gone are the days of an old historian sitting in an office in a tweed jacket with the elbow patches holding up props (oh yeah and the bad acting too), now the historian is a voice over, and the cgi shows it how it "really happened". I'm not arguing this tactic, we now have the technology to dissect everything, from how a plane crash happened, to written accounts of ancient battles.
I think its a big leap for historians to get their point across, but it is strange when you feel like you are watching someone else play the video game.


Active Member
if you want to actually see GOOD actors re-enact history, get HBO and watch the 7 part series "John Adams". the first 2 episodes were good. Paul Giammatti plays Adams, Lauren Linney plays his wife, and the killer from Disturbia plays George Washington. the guy who plays Ben Franklin and the one who plays the other delegate from Pennsylvania are also very good, but I don't know their names.


Active Member
I love the History Channel and history in general, their re-enactment sucks, but what do you expect? An R film like the Last Samuri or Braveheart or something?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i love the history channel... i have no problem with the CGI... what i have a problem with is that at 2am almost EVERY channel goes to "paid programing"... WTF i pay for satellite why do i have to watch a infomercial about colon cleanse???

I couldnt agree more . But there is always the total gym infomercial . chuck norris , wesley snipes and christie brinkly .


Active Member
no no no, I LIKED the B actors and cheesy cavemen played by college film students that all have perfect teeth.
Its a good point that CGI will bring in the younger audiences but I am still a tweed patches kinda guy at heart I guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
I couldnt agree more . But there is always the total gym infomercial . chuck norris , wesley snipes and christie brinkly .

they must be hurtin for some $$$... and chuck wanted one more person to give it to...
i hated the B actors... CGI is fantastic... not only that, but the programs seem to be more informative!!!


Originally Posted by m0nk
That's a shame, "those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it". "Learn from the past to help you in the future." There's a couple more fortune cookie quotes about history, I just can't think of them right now...
It's not that I don't know History, I just find it extremely boring.