Well, I was having problems with my 29 gallon tank ever since my yt developed ich in it while he was hangin out there, waiting to be moved to the 120. I treated it with copper, did the necessary stuff, the tang was cured, and the other fish all seemed fine. Other fish in their included Fuzzy Dwarf Lion, Cinnamon Clown and blue damsel. Well, turns out, wen I went to remove the copper at the necessary time, the Clown suddenly got a bad break. And I mean bad. He was literally covered in the ich. The damsel is allright, but I didnt wanna risk the fuzzy getting it, so I moved her to the 120 where she is very happy right now (uv sterilizer in the 120) Well, then I started to give the cown freshwater dips, which did clear away the ich considerably. Then he started to develop what looked like a patch of white fungus right where his forehead would be, and it stretched to his dorsal region. It looked like it was just attatched, but not actually part of him. So, I gave him another dip, and gently rubbed off the white stuff. Turns out the white stuff was eating away at his skin, and it had gone all the way to his muslce. Now he was in considerable pain the next day, so i decided to be humane and put him out in a calm fashion which I had used once. U just take a cup of tank water, put the fish in it, and then put it in the freezer, so the cold will put the fish into a sleepish state, then they will..die. I felt bad doing it, but it was better than seeing him suffer. Now, Ijust wanna know, what the heck was going on with him? Was that like some disease or fungus? I dont want that heppening to any of my fish again, so wat can I do to stop it from happening? Thanx.