What happened!?



Well my Sailfin Tang has died after only three days.......
I have other fish in my tank and have had no problems, the tang lost his color last night and this morning found him on the bottom of the tank....this is really frustrating because I've never had this kind of problem...but this is the second fish from a new Lfs that has died on me. Their fish look good and they are very helpful but I'm at the point that I dont know what to do......


Active Member
Sorry for your loss. How did you acclimate the new tang? Tangs have been known to "lay on the bottom" when they really are NOT dead.


Spent over an hour getting him aclimated to the tank slowly putting water into his container.
No he was dead. not breathing.....


Active Member
We'll really have to know a lot more about the tank, age, inhabitants, specific water quality (don't forget alkalinity too), in order to try and rule out or identify problems.


55 gallon
6 months old
6 hermits crabs
CB shrimp
2 eel gobys
lawnmower blenny
porcilin crab
brittle star
yellow tail damsel
PH 8.1
nitrite 0
nitrate 20ppm
phosphates 0.04
SG 1.024
ammonia 0
I cant find my test kit for alkalnity......


Active Member
Do you know what the SG of the stores water was. Many LFS keep their SG really low to prevent diseases and you may have raised the salinity too fast if the stores was very low.
BTW, Sorry about your fish. My sailfin is the first SW fish I bought and is my favorite.


Active Member
ya if the LFS like mine...keeps it at Hypo levels...then you'll need to acclimate for a few hours.
Also learn how to do drip acclimation...the cup in the bag routine is for hardy beginner fish.
You aren't gonna get far (cept in debt with dead fish) with that method...


Active Member
Also Make sure you have a grounding probe with tangs. Any stray voltage will cause them stress.
I took a volt meter to one of my tanks and found out i had 44volts AC in the water.


probably stress from the 55g. they should be in a 125gallon for swimming room.