What happened

I have a Purple Ribbon that is awesome. It likes medium light (so is doing great under my VHO :D) and it is placed about 6" from the surface. (My tank is only 11" deep.) And it is also in direct high current. Its polyps are always open. It is quite beautiful and is my favorite.
Just curious though, why do you say they can't be kept in normal reef systems? I thoroughly researched this species (mine is Pterogorgia) and Sprung rates it as a 9 on hardiness scale.
BTW Adam, sorry I do not have an answer for you. How does a branch just fall off?


Active Member
Your gorgian is different than his by a long shot and is photosynthetic also, I don't believe his is.
Most gorgians need so much food that it would pollute a normal reef tank.
If a polyp creature always has its polyps out then it may indicate that it is starving and especially so in gorgians in which starvation is the normal cause of its demise.
This is my opinion, BTW.
Thanks for the quick reply Burn.
You are right, I did not research his species.
My Ribbons' polyps are fully open during the day, and close at night, I led you wrong to think they were open ALL the time. Not so.
I do see the difference. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
It is just a tiny branch a cm or less. The Gorgonian was my second caral and to BurnNSPY's words is healthy. The polyps are rarly open maybe twice a week or three. the gorgonian is small its self around 4 inches tall. In direct current and has the strongest light compared to other corals in the tank.
What worrys me is my book says they shed once or twice a week but mine sheds maybe once every two weeks.
It is also fed weekly of brine shrimp. Live.


Active Member
Brine shrimp is just like iceberg lettus, no nutrition. Your gorgian needs alot of food, I recommend zooplankton for better results.