what happened?


I cleaned the tank last night...changed the water and scrubed some green hair off of the rocks and just found my cleaner wrasse under a rock like he was chillin but I think he's a goner what happened? everyone else is good but I'm pretty sure he's dead? is there anyway the anenome killed him?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by cabin7882
I cleaned the tank last night...changed the water and scrubed some green hair off of the rocks and just found my cleaner wrasse under a rock like he was chillin but I think he's a goner what happened? everyone else is good but I'm pretty sure he's dead? is there anyway the anenome killed him?
Yes, if an anemone is not hungry and a fish swims into it, they will get stung to death, but the anemone will release it and not eat it.


Active Member
Please do some research on the cleaner wrasse. You will find that most do not survive captivity.


so weird i went to look for him later in the day and there he was swimming around! yay! he's fine guess he was sleeping?