What Happened?


I just bought 2 Turbo snails to ad to my tank and I think they died as soon as we put them in. The tank has been up around 3 weeks and all tests are perfect.The 2 Damsels I added are doing fine and there is good growth on the LR. We let them float in the bag from the lfs for around 15min and when my wife placed them in the tank 1 has never moved and the other one was on a piece of rock for about 5min then fell off and hasn't moved since. What did I do wrong?


How long have they been motionless? I thought several times a snail was dead when finding out it was just "sleeping".
Has the tank ever been used for a different purpose? I am thinking of some chemicals still being around. I am not sure what killed them. I had turbosnails thriving greatly and when I added 3 snails of a different species (the orange ones), two quickly died as well. Blew my mind.
Anyway, better be sure no metals or whatever is in your tank before you add the $$ fish and corals....


I second the fact you introduced them right away to fast. You should have acclimated them. They are very sensitive to sudden PH and salinity changes.

david s

one more thing what Is you salt reading if it is to low even if you acliment them slowly they still could die because it would take days. messure your salt as inverts are very sensitive to it
the way I acliment them is I put them in a container and pour a small cups of tank water every 10 min or so. till the water doubles then remove half the water and repeat 1 more time. then I add them to the tank


Be faithful in setting them "hole down" whenever they fall, and when initially placing them in the tank. They cannot pull themselves up once on their side, and will eventually die.
This may be the issue.:confused:


Thanks everyone, I just added 2 new ones, a peppermint shrimp, and a couple of crabs slowing things down a little and so far so good. By the way when I moved the other "dead ones" guess what, the were still alive! Maybe they are just being still until they completly adjust to their new home?
Thanks Everyone