What happens if an anemone dies...


Will the clown fish be ok? I am a little worried, I don't have the proper lighting for my tank and the bigger anemone looks like he was deflating so I moved him up onto some rock so he could be closer the light. If he dies will the clown fish be ok or will he try to take over the smaller anemone and its clown? I feel just awful and do hope everything turns out ok.


Active Member
Your efforts to keep an animal that from what I read doesnt belong there are academic, IMO it will perish in a short amount of time. Not having the correct amount of light for this animal will only continue to make it fail and quickly. Age of your tank water chemistry and size all play a big role in being able to keep one. to help further please post more info on your tank and set up.
However to answer your question the bioload an anenome gives off when it dies is the same as a fish. However they are much larger than fish and decay much faster. The amonia spike depending on the size of the animal and your tank size can be devistating along with the nitrates to follow. Hope this helps


Well learning the hard way, I will no longer be letting my fish guy talk me into getting fish for my tank, he knows the set up I have and I am very disappointed that he let me walk out of his store with 2 anemones and not the proper lighting. I on the other hand being the consumer should have done research, but hindsight 20/20.
All my readings are good but my Nitrate is a little high, but we are doing a water change today. My tank is a 220 so hopefully nothing will be devastated by this impending death. Will my clown be ok with out his friend or will he try to take over the other anemone and its clown?


Active Member
Clowns don't need an anemone but they may fight over the one left, are they different species of clowns?


yes, one is the nemo clown and one is a gold stripe and the anemone that seems to be doing ok is very small...but was that way when I got him..he's just a little guy