What happens when a fish gets stung?


Last night my roomate called me and told me that my cow fish was having issues swimming and looked very lathagic. When I got home I put him in a Hosp Tank and tested my water. Everything was fine water 1.023,0-Nh3, 0-NO3, 10 - NO2, pH 8.1, Ca 400-450. etc. He subsequently died last night. I had this guy for a while now. He has been through ich and several other issues and come out like a champ. All my other fish are fine and my corals are perfect. Could he have gotten stung by a coral? If so would his behavior had been such as I described? I miss that guy, he was cool. Any help please?


Active Member
My first thought was that he may have released his toxins and poisoned himself, but if the other fish are doing fine then maybe not.


what and how often were you feeding? boxfish, cowfish have very special feeding requirements and need to be feed daily.


It ate everything. He would eat algae strips, brine, mysis, silverside, formula two, you name it it ate it and ate very well. It was just strange he was fine in the morning and then at 5 o'clock I got the call. I am going to watch every other fish carefully, but last night they all ate and were swimming around fine. My corals are also fine. I am just curious what happened to the little guy, I liked hime so. I am afraid to replace him b/c I have been told they are not reef safe. Mine never bothered anything and I never really saw him close to ant corals. I am thinking he was foraging and rubbed against something. Is there any sign that would verify being stung?