what happens when a fish has unshiney eyes

i was wondering what happens if a fish had shiny eyes but lost the shineyness...is there a way to treat it?....Will it die?...Awnsers would be great


Active Member
There are several issues when the fish's eyes are not clear. You can have ich, bacterial infection, parasites, etc.
Are there any other symptoms?


Originally Posted by angel-lover14
i was wondering what happens if a fish had shiny eyes but lost the shineyness...is there a way to treat it?....Will it die?...Awnsers would be great
A whole lot more information needed here. What kind of fish is it? What do you mean by "lost it's shinyness"? Please tell us all about your tank. How old is it? What fish do you have? What are your exact water parameters for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, sg, and temp?
it was on a queen that just died...i had her for a long time but i bought a anemone and it released some poison in the tank and killed day by day all of my fish...


Originally Posted by angel-lover14
it was on a queen that just died...i had her for a long time but i bought a anemone and it released some poison in the tank and killed day by day all of my fish...
I am very sorry to hear that. Are any of the fish left? Run some carbon to help remove the toxins in the tank.
only fish i have left is my diamond goby and two fire shrimp too if you count those too but im re-stocking and this time im getting nice!! fish....but still it was such a loss i lost 12 fish because the anemone i bought was dieing and was releasing poision that raised my nitrite and ammoina.Just to name a few fish that died were:my majestic angel,emperor angel,queen angel(healthiest and favorite),coral beauty angel(poor guy s eyes poped out then he died),flame angel,blue tang...and a lot more..but now my tank is fine and am starting to restock
the ones that died were my 600(580)gal dt tank...the water in it is fine now, i just have a blue and a blue face angelfish in my 60 gal qt now...prob gonna keep them in there for a week of two...i just got them today after holding them at my lfs for two weeks...the're eating like pigs already though.Also there is very little agression between them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by angel-lover14
it was on a queen that just died...i had her for a long time but i bought a anemone and it released some poison in the tank and killed day by day all of my fish...
That's why I have never tried an anemone.....when they die they release a toxin that kills all your fish in the tank. A lot of people who get them don't know that they need really strong lighting to stay alive among other things and they get their tank wiped out.
I'm so stupid, i should have done more research, but i thought i could trust my lfs , but i guess not.i went to him with 12(approx) dead fish and told his manager and he said there nothing he can do,but he was a nice guy.He said anything we wanted free(dried goods wise)we could have,and when he gets fish he'll sell it to us for cost price(meaning what he buys it for i buy it for),and when ever we have a fish thats sick i can take it to him and he'll fish-sit it for us for free.....at least i got something out of it,but it was a huge and expensive lesson learned.
.Its not the money that counts its the emotional feeling too, when my grandma found out that in a matter of a week all of our fish died she was crying
Even one of my corals are dying. The main coral of the tank, my gorgina is almost completely dried up so i took it out because i was afraid if it was dying it would raise my nitrites
im trying to get pics but my camera is garbage...i get amazing shots but i can't copy and paste the pics all i can do iz print....ill try and gets pics as soon as i can fix my camera