What hardware for 29 gal tank?


Active Member
Okay I have the tank and the stand and am planning on buying in increments. Hoping to go mini reef with sand. As for livestock, I was thinking no more than 3 hardy beginner fish, a cleaning crew, and eventually feather dusters and soft or beginner coral.
What do you guys think I should have as far as hardware and what are the trusted brands in the following categories? FYI- I don't plan on filling the tank until the Summer as I plan on researching first.
1. lights (I'd like enough to be able to handle soft corals, I realize I have a
small tank)
2. filter
3. power head (how many and what flow rate?)
4. skimmer
5. heater
6. test kits
7. bubbler (do I need one)
8. anything else
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Lights-power compacts-sattelite-something to give you 3 to5 wtts per gal (How Long Is Your Tank)?????
skimmer-aqua remora-either the one with the maxi jet pump or the pro with the mag 3.
heater-I dont use one
Power heads-maxi-jet-2 at least 900s
no bubbler
are you using a sump?? if not are you using a canister filter?? I like the magnum HOT. you can get it a petsmart.Its cheaper on line, but if you print the page from on line and take it to the store, they give you the on line price
e-mail me and I'll give you some info about equipment
m0m24 @ Earthlink . net--take out spaces


Active Member
I can't check mail until I get home. I just checked the powerhead. Will I need two? Also, the protein skimmer and canister filter are huge and I don't have a sump. This seems very big to hang on the tank.
What about an overflow box? Could I house a sump maybe 10g or less in my stand and fit the necessary equipment?


If you can go refuge system there are cool ones with the skimmer return pump heater ect all in one.
Basically what you need for refuge:
Refuge tank that fits where you plan to put it, either on back or under tank in stand or next to tank in a cabinet or something.
something to get the water from the tank, if its glass without holes in it, theres a system that works called an overflow tube. I recommend the CPR overflow, or one of those systems all in one from aquatic life support.
Then a heater, any brand works just make sure it is break resistant, and has the temperature setting numbers on it, some don't makes it hard to know how hot its set for.
You'll need a protien Skimmer best are Eheim but they are very expensive, you'll want one that at least pulls all your water through hourly maybe 50 gallons an hour since you'll have the tank water plus refuge water. Coral Life makes good ones too that are not to expensive.
In your refuge don't use bioballs they eventually will dump nitrates and kill your system (may take a few years but it happens). Instead use live rock rubble (live rock thats broken into small bits put it in the media chamber and put a simple prefilter pad on it).
Then a simple return pump, thats all you need, have it return in each corner. The pump size should be about 20x the tank so a small pump with 600 maybe even 800 gallons per hour is all you need.
Now I know this may sound, more difficult to set up but its not its actually much easier in the long run.
Please follow the rules on links. Out of respect for the owner's of this site,No competitor links please

Now if you can't get yourself to buy the refuge system, back mount systems work as well.
Now for lighting, all have advantages, the "creme of the crop" is metal halides, they cost more to run but by far cover all the needs for any reef, but second in line are PC or power compacts. Coralife makes a ton of options from super cheap to super expensive (i recommend going with what you'll want now, and want later as you learn and buy more variety) better to buy once then upgrade. Again I'd be happy to walk you through a menu of options and pick whats best.
Now the fun, what goes inside! I'll break it up to month of 3:
First 3 months:
Sand bottom (you mentioned you want) Use Argonite it's the most benificial for sand bottom, u want no more than 2 inches (Huge debate amongst the community of reefing but trust me I have more than 2 inches and have spent hours sucking out the "extra" for months now, slowly over time). Use live sand Coralife is great.
Now You want about 50 lbs of Live rock, when you order it specifically tell them how wide and tall your tank is so you don't get something to big, but if you do live rock is brittle so you can simply tap it with a hammer where you wish and break it up. 3 to 5 pieces is all you need to make a nice little pile with a few "caves".
4 to 6 months:
Cleaning Crew, get some hermits anykind you wish up to 30 if you really go nuts but lets stay sane and say get 5.
Then some turbo snails, Mexican is what I have or if you like others theres a wide choice, *****
If you want at this time you choose 2 fish max. I say this because I want you to have some life in the tank but at the same time not over tax your "virgin" bio filteration growing in the tank.
Theres a 1000 choices, but I can help you pick 2 happy mates that will be happy with your future plans as well. Common first choices are, any clown fish (specially because they are exciting to have, swim funny and are so cute, then theres the fact they will pick a coral or anemone to host in which is just too cool). They also live in pairs so u could pick two from the start and they will eventually mate as they are born hermaphidites then choose male or female as they grow up together to become mates.
(oops to long will continue below)


Also Goby are great and hearty as well, any kind really but they also tend to hide until food comes out.
Chromis are favorites especiall blue/green very pretty, not aggressive hard to kill.
Anyways the list goes on. I'd stick with those catagories though once you get into tangs and angles and butterfly and wrasse ect you have to really be careful on additudes and fragile fish issues, but again I'm happy to walk through and check em out with you sometime.
Now 6 months to say 12 months:
Get a few more fish, we can really check out the library of fish choices and go for somethng gorgious! But of course none aggressive to our current mates and future plans.
Also get some frags!
Pulsing xenia is cool, hard to kill and is very lively, as it moves nonestop which isn't so with most corals. Also it doesn't need a ton of light or requirements, and can tollerate "noob mistakes".
Also Zooanthia's millions of kinds but we can look for something pretty and bright.
Ricordia again pretty and easy to use.
Galaxia is gorgious and hearty.
Nepthia (i believe its called) really pretty and easy to take care of).
Candy Cane Coral nice and pretty.
The list goes on.
By then you'll know a ton more and have a good idea of what you nay want.
OK Last I'd like to say. DONT LISTEN TO YOUR LOCAL FISH STORES! I don't care who they are or what they say, they want your money and will take it! They will do it by selling you stuff your not ready for, thats not healthy, thats not what you need and so on.
Come here or other forums online and ask like you did today! Theres tons of guys and gals like me happy to help and get new reefers. PM me or email me jdecter@hotmail.com and we can go over your buy list thuroughly so you can have a great start with minimum costs and hopefully launch you into a happy future in this hobby.


Active Member
Thank you so much. A lot of what you said is very alien to me but at the same time sooo interesting. I am still learning and want to sent my tank up right. I will email you and probably frequently if you don't mind, you too TeresaQ. I would really like a sump/refugium for the purpose of increasing my water volume and hiding as much equipment as possible. However, I have to take measurments b/c I'm not sure of the amount of space in my stand.
What size refugium can I get away with on my 29 gallon tank?


Active Member
a 10 gal should be fine. if you can fit a bigger one, all the better. You can pickup a cheap on at wal-mart or petsmart. Got to reily brothers and have glass cut really cheap, and silicone them in. If i can make one out of a 55 gal tank all by my self, you can do it too. I have some designs around here somewhere I'll look them up, or look on the dyi forum for some. since your tank isnt drilled you will need an overflow kit. I sent you some sites in my e-mail that carry them.
I also have a good place to buy the critter for inside the fuge part, Ill give them to you later, or I can prob spare some micros out of my fuge


Active Member
Thanks again. Either you are the nicest person in the world or saltwater guru's are very kind in general. It seems that the more I research the more questions I have and the more confused I get. Thanks again.


no problem email at will, I love to reef and see other reefs so I help anyway I can to get people started right mostly because I bought thoeusands of dollars of crap before someone helped me.
By the way u don't even need a tank for a refuge you can use a bucket if so you need too, but I use a plexi tank a friend gave me that I think he made himself. So a bit of learning how to poxy some plastic together and a trip to a plastic store near you and you could have one custom to exactly what your stand can hold.
I'd also suggest leaving room for easy access to pooring water in and getting in there with your protien skimmers and heaters.
email me though we can also talk about how to build one with a top off chamber which I wish I had done.


Active Member
Customizing is something I'm fairly decent at. So it sounds as if my sump doesn't need to be a specific size. That's the first thing in this hobby that doesn't have an equation. My stand only has one door so access may be a problem perhaps. Later if I have the time I'll take a picture and measurments and send them. I'm not sure that everything I would want in the sump would fit (fingers crossed).