What has happened to this board?


It seems the number of posts has gone down quite a bit.
Not much to say or have people got out of the hobby?


Things are warming up out of doors, time to mow, plant flowers go somewhere for the weekend.


Since I have started using the search I have not asked as many questions. Amazing.....we all seem to have the same concerns.


interesting... and i just thought it was me..lol:D
funny how everything works in cycles.


Active Member

Originally posted by Thomas712
Things are warming up out of doors, time to mow, plant flowers go somewhere for the weekend.

could not be more true, many businesses, esp the ones that involve inside activities are sufferingnow, as they do every yr
our computer store has taken quite a downturn, and it just started to pick up after the deal with iraq. Although one good thing about our business in summer, is the increase in thunder storms really helps out with modem sales, and the occasional system replacement
Oh well, soon enough it will be fall and things will turn back, AGAIN.


Active Member
I agree....all boards see a decline during the summer....folks like myself and others in northern states have been trapped inside all winter long, and it really is nice to get outside and enjoy some fresh air.:) It should actually pick up a little during the peak of the summer as people get sick of the heat and enjoy the AC inside, but for the most part, I would think people are just enjoying the spring time at the moment.:) Along with all the inside stuff, we now have to take care of the yard and other outside chores as well.


Active Member
every time I get on you are here Cheer....i dont think you ever get off. Coffee pot by the Pc and a bottle of No-Doze...lol j/k:D


Active Member

Originally posted by CheerFlip1
Actually I get on late at night and early in the morning mostly but randomly throughout the day too.

Sounds strangely familiar...kindred spirits?;)


Active Member
Ahh the thought of hot weather. I'm looking forward to sitting outside somewhere looking at girls in swimsuits, drinking some beer. Then coming home to the nice cool house to pass out on the couch. Great times. :cool:


I'm from the great white north(alberta, canada). Now that winters finally over i'm looking forward to sitting out in the dry heat of the praries and downing a few corona's(with lime always).

sinner's girl

Don't forget, those of us in school are buzy with finals (or we should be anyway!)


I'll still be here Phil. Since I found this board it has been like an addiction (ask my wife). Getting plenty of outdoor time coaching my son's g-ball team and taking care of the lawn. I can't help but be stoked about getting my 75 up and going!:D


By the way, Phil, Slick + Armagedden - there's always plenty of ice cold beer over here. Stop by anytime.



Originally posted by fshhub
Although one good thing about our business in summer, is the increase in thunder storms really helps out with modem sales, and the occasional system replacement

lol. I used to work as a tech in a comp store... this time of year we had at least 10-15 systems come in almost every day (yes every day... high volume store) with busted modems and burnt system boards.... of course every one uses a surge protector and turns their systems off in a thunderstorm :rolleyes: yeah right!! it may be the one industry where the customer is almost never right!
mnnnn... beer.
akkkkkkk!!! finals!!! i knew i forgot about something!! :D