
I have having a disaterous week ! My new cleaning crew is messing everything up, first it knocked off my bubble coral, damaged my colt and button corals, ate my flowerpots from 1.5 to .5 a pot!! NOW MY CLEANER SHRIMPS ARE BEING ATTACKED !!! I JUST SAW MY SALLY EATTING MY FAVORITE, LARGEST SHRIMP <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> SH*T!!!!!
What have I done??? I only wanted a crew to eat my hair algea. I want to catch those crabs !!!
I only have 2 cleaner shrimps left, down from 4.
If I had not chosen this damn reef hobby, i could have save enough cash for full package massage every night in downtown San Francisco <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your losses! Crabs are an iffy proposition at best. The sally lightfoots are notorious for making meals out of all kinds of things, including shrimp and snails. I don't have a mircle way to get them out other than just go hunting for them. You might try taking them to a LFS for some store credit once you round them up.


i just notice a shrimp molt. :mad:
perhaps the shrimp molted and was vulnerable to attack. I just feel soooooooo bad. I lost many things this week.
My wife laughs and calls my tank a "killer reef tank." that everything goes in eventually get killed, by notorious fish, crab, or killed by me.
I am just upset.

david s

and i also got 1 crab thats black with white stripes dont know what he is niether did guy at lfs but he said he hasnt caused any problems and he is small


I get mad every time something happens to a fish or a crab or coral. I start blameing everything that I think it could be. once I put my first anenome in my tank and before it hit the water, a pepperment shrimp attacked it and started tearing it apart. I went on a shrimp hunt and started to round them up so I could flush em. Had three in a bag before I relized its not there fault, they just do what they do, some good some bad. Research is the key, I soon found out that pepperment shrimp love certian anenomes.
Just yesterday, I wanted to flush my brittle star as the lead suspect for the murder of my clown fish and sally lightfoot. Which is funny, because I blammed the sally lightfoot for eating my crabs, and wanted to take him out. Something beat me to it.
Now I'm taking a differnt aproach. Every thing stays and its "survival of the fittest"
Even as write this, I just looked up and saw a pepperment shrimp eating at my newly purchased feather duster.


and this is supposed to be enjoyable, go figure <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


Active Member
It certainly isn't always as the textbooks say it will be is it.
Life in the glass box .... very unpredictable for sure.
Sorry to hear you're crew is acting up and messing up the plan.
Hang in there ;)