What I have noticed...


Well-Known Member
This morning, while shaving, I noticed five or six long white hairs in my blonde/brown goatee. I can not believe it. Am I really getting old? I know I have some french in me, but am I supposed to be going bald and getting a white goatee at age 24???


bro, tell me about it, im 24 also and i started getting a small patch of white hairs on the back of my head....totally killed my mood when i found out, went an shaved my head that night, and now im getting more and more.....i hate it!!!! i guess thats what having a stressful job brings to us.


Active Member
I'm 24 and don't have that issue and I'm raising 4 kids.... I wouldn't worry about it so much...my dad always said that gray hairs were a sign of wisdom and maturity...


Well-Known Member
I hope you don't have that problem, Nw2Salt08, Aren't you a female? A Mother?? I hope you don't have a goatee.


I can't believe 24 year olds are complaing about their age. When I was your age, we didn't think of complaining about our age, until we were my age. Good Lord I'm old.


Active Member
Yeah, I'm female..and I'm referring to gray hairs...not goatees or bald spots..lol Yes, I'm a mommy.... You don't want to know how many stepkids I have....lol My two biological offspring are 5 years old and 19 months old.


Active Member
26, black hair, same problem. I still have some vanity, and pluck the really noticeable one's.
My mom's been dying her hair since her 30's, so I knew this was a possibility, but I kind or prefer it to the red patch I used to get in my beard. That just looked stupid.


I have a buddy that went completely bald by age 20. I have a ton of grey hair at age 30. I could care less. I agree that it is a sign of wisdom
, and as my barber said (when I went to one...last barber was about 8 years ago) "better grey then gone"...he had grey hair...wisdom.
Oh and I had plenty of grey at 24, and my very receded hairline started earlier than that. I quickly adopted the "happy as a hippo" story. Along Came Polly reference.


Active Member
its ok, its trendy. i have two friends that bleached their hair so so so silver white... i didnt think it was possible. one even uses laundry bluing to keep it white. i considered it.
so just think of it as keeping up with the kids.