What if electricity siezed to exist?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I'd eat my ice cream before it melted....LOL
If I could get home, I would be fine. My relatives grew up on small islands... I think they'd remember and would probably prefer it.


Active Member
If I could get home, I would be fine. My relatives grew up on small islands... I think they'd remember and would probably prefer it.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I think would happen:
What would you do? I would wait for the electricity to turn back on... I would wait at least a week and I would go to my family and friends houses or neighbors houses to talk to them and see if they know anything. I woul start gathering up water and food. After a month of no electricity, I would start to stock up on more ammo, cause I already have the guns. After a month of not having internet service, I would find out where a congragation of people are and see if I can figure out what has actually happened. I can't think of what I would do after that because I wouldn't know what would actually happen.
Do you think the people would topple over the government? I think that the government would be ineffective for a long time. Especially in this day and age. A lot of people would pledge alegance to the Potus, and some may establish smaller local governments and feel no nationalism.
How would other countries be affected? Yes, I think that international trade would be affected. I think that in order for international trade to exist again, we would have to go back to sailships and such. I think North America, Europe and parts of Russia would be the most affected areas of the world.
Would your debts be erased? Since everything is kept up on computers, then I would think that most of peoples debts would be at least temporarily erased. It would be impossible for a company to go after everyone that owes them money.
Would people die? Absolutely. People who are not survivors - who can not accompany change. There would also be a lot of violence and corruption and of course starvation.
How would society change? I think that besides the population decreasing, we would go back to an rural-aggrarian civilization where family units are important and local governments would form. I think at first there would be "tribes" of people, such as "texans" and so fourth who would fight over food, land and perhaps power.
XD Just curious. I'll get someones answers and then I'll post my own.


Originally Posted by DragonZim
My friends and I would be just fine. We are all avid campers, have a few avid hunters and gerdeners among us and are in a 5th Century Celtic reenactment group that practices living life as if it were the 5th century - no power, no running water, cooking only with period tools and ingredients.
Haha, you think that, but now every person on the continent will be an avid hunter... Wouldn't leave much to hunt...

I would find a way to make it to nc with some friends I know who live off the land. he hunts, she gardens. They go so far as to make their own soap! Even laundry!
I've discussed this with her many times and she says, short of the AC, not to much would change for her. Oh that and they would have to change how they store meat. They know how to do all of that...I have no clue.
It's a shame all we need to survive independently is right here, but most of us have no idea how to utilize... including me...%%


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Here's what I think would happen:
What would you do? I would wait for the electricity to turn back on... I would wait at least a week and I would go to my family and friends houses or neighbors houses to talk to them and see if they know anything. I woul start gathering up water and food. After a month of no electricity, I would start to stock up on more ammo, cause I already have the guns. After a month of not having internet service, I would find out where a congragation of people are and see if I can figure out what has actually happened. I can't think of what I would do after that because I wouldn't know what would actually happen.
Do you think the people would topple over the government? I think that the government would be ineffective for a long time. Especially in this day and age. A lot of people would pledge alegance to the Potus, and some may establish smaller local governments and feel no nationalism.
How would other countries be affected? Yes, I think that international trade would be affected. I think that in order for international trade to exist again, we would have to go back to sailships and such. I think North America, Europe and parts of Russia would be the most affected areas of the world.
Would your debts be erased? Since everything is kept up on computers, then I would think that most of peoples debts would be at least temporarily erased. It would be impossible for a company to go after everyone that owes them money.
Would people die? Absolutely. People who are not survivors - who can not accompany change. There would also be a lot of violence and corruption and of course starvation.
How would society change? I think that besides the population decreasing, we would go back to an rural-aggrarian civilization where family units are important and local governments would form. I think at first there would be "tribes" of people, such as "texans" and so fourth who would fight over food, land and perhaps power.
XD Just curious. I'll get someones answers and then I'll post my own.
So then you see something simular to the movie POSTMAN .