What if ?

I was just thinking what if I went with the l/s and l/r what do I do if a disease brakes out in my tank. I can't treat ick with the l/r and l/s in the tank can I? Would I be out all of that money I kicked out for that stuff? I have a 125gal tank.
Just wondering, I would like to know what options that I have.


Active Member
puff(er)daddy, As far as I know the only thing you can not put into a tank with live rock and live sand is copper. We use garlic juice to treat ick and that won't harm anything. Lisa


Active Member
You cant treat a reef type set up with any type of medication. Copper or antibiotics will destroy it. The best thing to do is practice good quarantine measures from the start. If by chance you do need to treat you will need a seperate hospital tank. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
What if I had a ick break-out and I put my fish in a hospital tank. The ick is still inside the tank? Am I right? What steps do I then take?
I'm just asking because a guy at the lfs brought this to my attention and I didn't have a answer. I wondered would I just have to replace everything.


Ick has about a 23 day living life span without a host. If you treat your fish in a hospital tank your inverts stay in the main tank and inverts don't get ick. Leave your main tank fish empty for about a month to make sure the ick is dead, then put your fish back in.
Thanks you guys for clearing that up for me because the clerks at my lfs put them ?'s in my head.
You know; It's hard going into the lfs and asking them a question and they tell you a answer that you know is wrong, and you can't correct them because they know more about the hobby than you and they also know that they know more than you. If you were ever to correct them they'll just look at you strange. Thanks to you all here it's good to know that they don't know more just some people know more about one subject than others, it's the wiser person to admit that they don't know. Maybe that's just my feelings.


I got into an arguement with a lady at a ***** once. She said you had to clean ls. I told her if she had a good enough bablance and, cleaning crew, and deteverious(sp?) then she wouldn't have to. My mom wanted to cut the trip short after that and the lady was the fish department manager so I don't talk to them about fish.