What if?


Active Member
Is it possible that a TB seahorse may not learn how to hitch if they are a species that does not hitch when they're first born?


Active Member
I'm no expert, but this is my guess:
Birds don't fly when they are born, humans don't walk when they are born. But birds learn to fly and humans learn to walk unless something is wrong with there wings or legs.
But, there is also the cases that scientists believe people just don't know how to hear, see, or walk. It's rare and it's only a theory most of the time from what i've read.
So i guess it COULD be possible that something in there tail is wrong, or somehow they just don't have what it takes to figure it out using instincts.
Now that i type this, is it possible for something to loose, or just not have, instincts?
I'd say it's a possibility.


Well-Known Member
are you talking about a specific species? There's a term among reidi and erectus breeders....a condition known as "sliders." Wherein the horse in question never got to the surface of the tank when it was newborn to fill its air bladder. They lose the ability to regulate their bouyancy, and as they get older (and heavier) they can't swim effectively. They're reduced to 'sliding' along the bottom of the tank, which can cause a whole range of other problems if it's a rough sand bottom.


If you're talking in general terms, I've never seen, had or heard of a seahorse not hitching. I've had Reidi, Kuda and northern Erectus - which are all palegic from birth. All hitched within 2-4 weeks.
Keep in mind, the first sign of a tail infection is the seahorses refusal to use it's tail for hitching. Usually followed by slight swelling of the tail or a white tip of the tail.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the input
The four new girls I "rescued" are doing much better today, however, I think Tom's diagnosis is most likely the cause. I swabbed some white parasites off the girls yesterday. They are all eating, but are still very weak.
~ Rykna))