What in the Heck?

I just got some new live rock a few days ago, and suddenly, and funny little shrimp comes out of a rock. It looks like a little clown. It is a very pretty little animal. It has pinkish spots all over it, and the background of the spots are white ,and large claws conpared to its body. What do you think it is?


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky

Sounds like one, Hope you dont have seastars, other possibilities like anemone/se+y shrimp,( but they have small claws.


Active Member
Originally Posted by turtlegirl933
I do have a sand sifting star, what do I do?
I would first possitively ID it as a Harlequin. Then if it is, you need to make a choice rather you want to keep the shrimp and let the star be food or keep the star that most likely want live long anyway, IMO. If you want the shrimp, research them and how to feed them. Im not an expert on them.
Yep, it is a harlequin, could I just put it in a 10 gallon and feed it chocolate chip stars? It is a pretty shrimp, and I do what to keep it, but I love my sand sifting star.


Active Member
as long as your ten galloon is in good shape i see no problem putting him in there. and you also have to be willing to buy stars for him to eat.


Active Member
Harlequin shrimp eat starfish exclusively. Youre going to want to buy live starfish from the LFS to feed him. Frozen if they even sell frozen stars.