What in the world is this??


We just got some new frags and one had this strange thing with it! When I first saw it, it looked like a jelly bean. I put it in a cup of saltwater, and this is what it happened over night!!
Any ideas?? Good or bad?


Active Member
From the "rear end view" it looks like a cuke. Any sign of tentacles out one end? There is a big hole in the other, and this is the butt if its a cuke. :)


This is Scuba Tiffy's dad. She wanted me to reply as she is busy. It is possible there is a hole at the back but its only about 3/4" long and hard to tell. No antenna that we can see. The "spines" on it seem to move like it is trying to crawl but they are not feet. They are latteral spines.


Active Member
This is what I think is the rear end...looks like there is a hole there. The more I look at it, the more I agree it is a cucumber.


yes they are good things, they need sand to feed on, and they release toxins into the tank if sressed or killed.


Active Member
Well, I'm not positive it is a sand sifter yet. One would need to look at the tentacles and behavior. If it has been "mopping" the surfaces with tentacles it is a sand sifter. If it just has tree like tentacles it is a filter feeder. If it was up on rocks or something, it may be a filter feeder.
Not all will release toxins. It is not a big concern for me. Don't pry it off things to harshly, or put it in with fish that might pick at it (triggers, puffers). Watch things like shrimp (especially coral banded). While possible, I wouldn't consider it a major risk at this time (especially if a sand sifter)


Thanks so much for your help! I put him in my tank last night- he's so small he got blown around a little bit. After he found a nice spot, he began to climb around and up a shell. So far, so good! Nothing like a freebie! Do I need to do anything special for feeding? Right now, I have assorted coral that get DT's and more.
Thanks so much- you've been a great help and probably saved "the jelly beans" life!!! :D