What in the world is this!


New Member
Just brought home my first 15 lbs of Live Rock. And guess what. There is something weird in it! Its a pink THING about ( ) big sticking out of the rock. It looks like maybe a balloon or something sticking out of it with something inside it. Lots of LITTLE black dots on the inside of it (i think its in the inside the "balloon") and at the end it looks like a big black dot in the "inside". Any ideas?


eeeewww!! sounds like an alien. Sorry, I dont have a clue, I will keep checking back. I am curious myself. Sorry I couldn't help.


i had some macroalgae form small eraser sized bulbs on my live rock, but it was green. Very interesting. hope its safe for your tank!


New Member
It is definately not algea, cause whatever is inside seems to move around a bit. The black spot changes position.


New Member
I think it is an egg cause whatever was in there while I went to the store to order some "Bio-Active Live Sand" 80 lbs worth (i hope it is good) the THING inside moved around and maybe appears to be trying to break out!