What In the World


Those things are virtually indestructable. It may close up for a while, but will open up again after the water parameters get better.


so then i could see this as a good sign(along with my test) That my tank is geting better and better each and every day...YEAH


well it depends. how many days are you into your cycle. you may not have high levels of anything yet. its hit or miss. hopefully you get lucky and this little polyp lives and gives you a bunch more.


Into week three and half... LOL... levels were perfect till I moved around some rock three nights ago and ammonia spiked... now ammonia is going down.. Nirtites are 0 nirtates are 20 ...My live rock and Sand were from an exsiting tank of a friends.
there are a bunch of these little guys all over the place but this one opened in the last 24 hours


That is a good sign that your bacteria is able to convert the ammonia you saw so quickly into nitrates. I was able to cycle my tank in 3 weeks using bottled bacteria (I cheated, haha). If these polyps seem to be opening up, I'd definitely take that as a good sign that things are starting to get established!