what in the world...



I just perchased a 5lb piece of carribean live rock from the lfs. When I took it out of the bag I felt a slimey thing on the back. I flipped it and saw a pinkish white gel, so I touched it and it felt like an airhead candy. I put it in my tank and I took some pictures I will post them asap if needed. It doesnt move or anything, but I'll tell you one thing, it looks a lot like glue and theres a few around the rock but one big one in the back. So please if you have any info it would be greatly apprieciated. Thanks.


What's a turnicate?
Is a sponge or turnicate harmful in my tank?


Active Member
no clue but just a piece of advise... i wouldn't touch anything ur unsure of.... that's why people recommend wearing gloves in ur tank... but yeah, curiousity kills the cat.... or just makes the man cry
A filter feeder with a spinal cord! Tunicates are interesting little buggers. I'm going to have to do some more research into them. Thanks, Wrassecal.
they are realy cool little things. I was determined to have some in my tank, but it took my lfs a long time to get some. They come in a variety of colors, mine are purple......that's cool and everything, but they blend in with my rocks :D
firefishspike: Are they prolific breeders/dividers? Are they difficult to keep?
I'd like to get some in a couple of months when my tank is ready. I've been doing a bit of reading about them today and my intrest is piqued.
around the docks here they are, pretty simple to keep, after all they are really primative........It's hard to kill them unless you squirt them or something