What inverts to get?


What inverts should I buy to help keep my tank clean, in a few weeks im gunna buy 3-4lbs of LR, but i need something to keep the bio-load down and i was gunna get a cleaner clam cause i was told they keep amomia an nitrates down.:help:


this is going in your 5?
if you do water changes you wont have a problem with trates an ammonia


ok, will you please stop responding to my posts. you never answer the question and you say pointless stuff. so please stop. anyone else want to answer what i asked?


If you are only gonna keep inverts, your rocks and sand will help you do the biological fitration. Just have to make sure you got enough flow in your tank. Yup cleaner clams will help keeping good of your water quality. I have a friend who buys clams from superstore and just chucks them in his sump. I also have a small nano invert-only tank. Only started about 3 weeks ago and so far I have a pair of harlequin shrimps, 5 sexy shrimps, a procelein crab, 2 astrea snails, and some feather dusters in there. For keeping clean of your tank, hermits tend to do a better job on hair algae and snails more on film like algae. Algae/diatoms on the sandbed you can go with cerith snails or a sand sifting starfish. Hope this would give you some brief ideas.


Thank you very much for the reply. I wanted to get 3 zebra hermits, two blue leg, and a few snails. I'm just waiting to see if anyone has some of thier home made LR i can buy, i only need like 4lbs of fist sized pieces or smaller.


you know if you dont like me trying to help then dont read my posts... there is just better ways of keeping up a tank then spending lots of $$ on stuff you really wont need


thats exactly what i mean, dont reply to my threads with pointless stuff. i asked what kinda inverts i should buy and you say " if you do water changes you wont worry about amonia an nitrates", was that my question? NO


i was responding to this
"i was gunna get a cleaner clam cause i was told they keep amomia an nitrates down."
so dont be an ass about it.. i'm trying to help