what is a cup coral????


anyone have a picture of a cup coral?
today i saw a coral labled "cup coral"
it is round in shap about 3-4 inches across in diameter. it has little hole like structures all over the top of this disk. it is yellow color. it was labeled cup coral. in my opinion i think it is a very beautiful coral. but unfortunately i dont know anything about it so i didnt not purchase it. can anyone provide a picture of this coral so i can see how it looks like when fully opened?
what is the basic needs of this coral? what kind of light intensity does it prefer or need to be kept healthy? what does it feed on? what kind of water circulation does it need? what is the success rate of this coral in a reef aquarium? how aggressive is it? does it prefer to be on rocky surface or sandy surface. please provide as much infor about this coral as possible. i dont want to rush into getting one and end up kiling it. thank you all in advance.


I have seen pics here on the board, if you do a search some should show up for you.

nm reef

Active Member
Cup coral...pagoda coral...try a search on the web for information on Turbinaria sp.
Should be able to locate several sources with pics & info...here is a pic of mine from a few months ago...is this what you're looking at?
I have a bright yellow cup coral which is more saucer shape. I have it under MH around the middle to top of the tank. The polps really like it much better. I also send brine shrimp to it and some of the polps do catch and digest it when they have a chance.
Good luck. I believe it is a LPS coral and someone correct me if I am wrong. If so, you will need stronger lighting for this coral eitherwise it will die over time from starvation due to lighting.


hey guys, i have done search on this coral. it said it needs moderate lighting and a high cirulation. i am looking to get one for my 20 gallon tank with 144watts of power compact lighting. i am planning to keep it in the middle of the tank stratum. is this ok? will this coral do fine in my 20 gallon tank?
also sometimes i find online care tips not reliable. is it a hardy coral? from what i have found, pogada/cup corals is hardy and easy to care for. is this really true. please provide ur opinions. thank you all in advance.