What is a good dependable brand of MH/PC lighting...


I am ordering for my 125 reef now. What is a good, reliable MH/PC hood brand. I need the 72 inch and wanted 3x250 MH and also wanted PC and moon lights with it. I have a canopy ordered also but they said it would fit a fixture on legs. I need the whole set up not retrofits... I would also like built in fans that aren't really noisy. LFS wants to sell me a Coralife fixture described above for ~$1500. Is that a good brand/price? Should I look elsewhere? What other brands should I consider?
Edited to add: Is it alright to just use the 6 inch legs to put on the tank. Is that far enough away from the water? What about using it with the glass top? Is it safe to leave the top of and them only 6 inches from the water? Are there any brands that CAN be used under a canopy?


google the coralife fixture and look around. You can get it with 250w Mh just over 1000. or with 175w for under 900.
"Coralife Aqualight Elite Series Metal Halide"


New Member
This is first time I have posted to this so if I'm not following rules correctly, forgive me and tell me what I need to do.
I have just purchased a used 58 gl tank w/29 gl sump/refugium. It is very noisy as the water goes from the main tank to the lower tank. Any ideas on how to lower the volume? If you need more information to make suggestions, let me know. The pump is not noisy at all, just the water draining and gurgling.


Active Member
First WELCOME to the forum! What you will want to do however is post a new thread from the main page. This case is the DIY/EQUIPMENT page. The way you did it just now is to another thread within that page. Im sure a mod can move it for you though. As to answer your question there are many things you can do to help your situation with the water. I would suggest doing a search on this forum for "durso standpipe" and "stockman standpipe". I prefer the stockman style but they both have thier benefits. If you still have questions then feel free to post again.