what is a "Q word tank" ???


Active Member
QT....A place to keep fish to moniter before putting them in the Display Tank?? Also to treat sickly fish..Problem fish..


Active Member
Doesnt have to have sand...Could throw a fake deco in it if you wanted I suppose...10 to 20 gallon tanks work good...Depends on what you are going to qt I guess..


Active Member
QT stands for "quarantine tank".
There are absolutely necessary if you strive to keep a disease-free display tank.
To set one up, the essentials are:
-10-20 gallon aquarium
-hang on the back power filter
-fake decorations or PVC piping for the fish to hide in.
Live rock and sand are not needed and actually not preferred (especially not live rock - there is no question about this).
Check out this thread for more info:


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
QT stands for "quarantine tank".
There are absolutely necessary if you strive to keep a disease-free display tank.
To set one up, the essentials are:
-10-20 gallon aquarium
-hang on the back power filter
-fake decorations or PVC piping for the fish to hide in.
Live rock and sand are not needed and actually not preferred (especially not live rock - there is no question about this).
Check out this thread for more info:
YAY!!! lion is the man..I knew I would get some help..


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrandonCena
a blue tang or any fish i have
That does not really tell us much. Do you need a quarantine tank because your fish are ill or because you want to quarantine new additions and begin to take the proper precautions in caring for your fish and tank?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
QT stands for "quarantine tank".
There are absolutely necessary if you strive to keep a disease-free display tank.
To set one up, the essentials are:
-10-20 gallon aquarium
-hang on the back power filter
-fake decorations or PVC piping for the fish to hide in.
Live rock and sand are not needed and actually not preferred (especially not live rock - there is no question about this).
Check out this thread for more info:

ok thanks but after i set it up how long do i have to wait to cycle it? or put a fish in


both my blue tang has a little bit of ick and i have to put medicine in my regular tank and everyother fish is in there and i dont want to do that


Active Member
Same as a regular tank - 3 to 6 weeks.
However, with a quarantine tank, you can avoid a cycle by "seeding" it with bacteria from an established display tank. Simply buy a large filter sponge from a local fish store and place that large filter sponge in the established display tank for a week. When you transfer the sponge over to the quarantine, you will be essentially transferring all the bacteria you need to prevent a cycle from beginning.


Active Member
How many and what fish do you have? If you have a lot of fish, obviously ten gallons will not be enough. It may be more beneficial to remove your live rock and inverts and put THEM in the quarantine so that you can treat your DISPLAY with hyposalinity.
How much live rock and inverts do you have??


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
A 29 is way to small for a blue tang..

For a quarantine? I'm confused. :notsure:


Active Member
Well if you have no live rock or inverts, you should just do hyposalinity in the display tank. However, as NigerBang stated, the hippo tang will ABSOLUTELY need a much larger tank very soon if he is indeed in a 29 gallon aqaurium.
Also, how do you intend to keep a tang in such a small tank without live rock for the tang to forage on? Tangs constantly pick at food all day long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
For a quarantine? I'm confused. :notsure:
DT is 29 gallons according to profile..
I am going to try to get pics of my new 125 and all the plumbing tonight so maybe tomorrow I can get some feedback on how its coming along.


yea but when he starts getting big im going to sell him to the petstore and what is dt??? so then i should just do it in the tank hes in now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
I am going to try to get pics of my new 125 and all the plumbing tonight so maybe tomorrow I can get some feedback on how its coming along.
Even more confused...