what is a "Q word tank" ???


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Straight from Crazz...
Fish Stress..(I should get the email sooner or later)
"4. Room/space is a major concern for fish. Fish need room to move, room to make their own territory, room to just be by themselves. If you are taking a fish home to a 55 that already has 10-15 fish in it, most times this fish is going to be stressed. Tank size is a major issue the aquarist should be concerned about. There are certain fish that need a lot of room to move. I am not going to begin the tang in a 55 argument but use some common sense. A tang in a 55 MIGHT do okay, but give it a fighting chance. If you are putting a tang in a 55 gallon tank that already has a lot of fish in it, the tang is not going to do well. It NEEDS room. That is a fact. If it is going to work, the fish needs his room. It will not get that room if the tank is already over-crowded. Then, you have fish like volitan lions and emperor angels. Both of these fish grow 15 inches or more. Common sense tells you that they will need more than a 55 gallon aquarium since a 55 is only 12 inches from front to back The fish cannot even turn around in that size tank when fully grown."
That looks familiar. :thinking:

I resent the email. Just so I know I am sending it to the right place, your email is Drnecropolis@bellsouth.net, right?


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Ok. Ill help out. Well it would be 2 months. 1 month till you get it and another till its cycled. Yes it will last. The thing is is you need sand and 125# plus of rock. Im going to stay because it seems like he is upgrading and I want this fish to live.

i already have the sand and i dont want rock so im already halfway there all i have to do is just wait till i get the tank and what if i used the water i have now?


Active Member
24aqua, He is getting a 125. We all need to chill even me. We have all flamed but lion is right we cant do anything accept advice. Since he is being nice and upgrading we can now take a deep breath.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrandonCena
i already have the sand and i dont want rock so im already halfway there all i have to do is just wait till i get the tank and what if i used the water i have now?
No. You need to use new water because the water you have now is infected. You NEED rock no exeptions with a tang. All day they will graze no rock = dead tang.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
No. You need to use new water because the water you have now is infected. You NEED rock no exeptions with a tang. All day they will graze no rock = dead tang.

how much rock will i need can u email me chaingangsoldier187@yahoo.com because im going to go put down more money on my tank and get some more sand