What is a sump/ refuge?


OK, I understand that a refuge is like a secondary tank off of a main tank that can house things. Is a "sump" the same thing? Is the enclosed back area of my nano tank that has three tiers, one for sponge, next for carbon, then filter considered a refuge area?
A refugium is a tank that is connected to the DT that houses different macroalgea's. The purpose of a refugium is to remove build up of Phospates and nitrates in the water. The area in the back of your nano is not a refugium but more of a wet/dry type of filter as where the sponge hosts bacteria that converts the ammonia to nitrites and the nitrites to nitrates.
A sump is a secondary tank usually located under the DT that houses the wet/dry filter , skimmer, heaters and other items you don't want located in your DT.